2010年3月28日 星期日


Form 7 之前,覺得自己手寫中文字頗美觀,好整齊,於是到了街坊茶餐廳,風味小炒館甚或屋村冬菇亭,人家餐牌的字一旦有失,就恨不得自薦為他們寫一套”豉椒雞球飯””鮮茄肉醬意粉””皮蛋碎牛粥”,”脆肉鲩魚”,”辦麵半賣”,”烘底加五毛”,”茶啡華田同價”等等菜單,細的壓在枱面的玻璃底,大的張貼在牆上,好比乾隆一路下江南把遍地山水都畫個花臉貓,少年的表現欲,一直是响應成名要趁早的蠢動.當然,我的痴線奇想,從無實現.
之後電腦一普及,中文字軟件就是比英文大大遲來兼唔識上岸,到底都是來了,從金蝶到word 中文版,你要甚麼繁簡楷隸草乜體都即到,我的代客手寫menu 夢,嘭聲結束.之不過,今日就是有人發善心,開間反樸歸真的全有機食材茶餐廳,還索性配套徵求手寫大菜單,我也不敢造次胆粗粗揭榜,因為今時今日,經鍵盤豢養,一手字早就變得鬼五馬六-其實過了中七,手字已經如打風,歪歪斜斜,起屹無端,直是高山滾落,每況日下,一如思維.

4 則留言:

ali 提到...

我印象中你的字都幾撩ga wor

thousandfalls 提到...


Hedy Esmail 提到...

accidentially I found my own blog which being set up when i was still in uk running workshops and exhibition.. now is deserted for quite a while. Thanks
i reckon it's about time to restart the whole system, will write more next time when i solve the penpower problem
by the way, i like ur language !

thousandfalls 提到...

Thanks, Hedy, it is always not too late to pick up anything lingers in my mind even after long years. Come on.

